Portrait photo of Finnish Winter War Lieutenant

Here we have a nice portrait photo of a well decorated finnish lieutenant.

He is wearing his medalbar which consists of four awards, all probably from the Winter War, teh medalbar consists of Cross of Liberty 3rd class with swords, Cross of Liberty 4th class with swords, Commemoratibe Medal of the Winter war with clasp Summa and swords, the last award is the Summa commemorative cross from the Winter War.

This picture is probably taken in 1940.

You can see that this soldier has been wouned in the face, most likely he was hit with a 7.62 mm Soviet-Russian ZR explosive/incendiary bullet.
Millions of ShKAS cartridges were shot towards Finns during our Winter War from the infantry firearms of Soviet-Russian attackers and their aircrafts

Year: 1940
Country: Finland
350.00 SEK
Portrait photo of Finnish Winter War Lieutenant Portrait photo of Finnish Winter War Lieutenant Portrait photo of Finnish Winter War Lieutenant